3 Things: John Waters, Megan Amram, and Jill Lepore by Chris Duffy


Happy Saturday! Every week, I send out an email with my show dates and recommendations of things I think you might enjoy. I'm writing this week's email on the train back from a show in D.C. Taking the train never stops feeling luxurious to me. It feels like having made it.

I remember several years ago, when I was just starting in comedy, I was regularly traveling back and forth between NYC and Boston. But the only ticket I could afford was the BoltBus, which pretty regularly broke down or showed up an hour late with no explanation. I rode it so much that I earned multiple free rides in their frequent rider program. One time, I got a personal email from someone at BoltBus corporate asking my opinion about a possible new pickup location. Realizing I was in the top 1% of BoltBus riders was one of the darkest days of my life. 

Upcoming shows

Both full seasons of Wyatt Cenac's Problem Areas are streaming online and on HBO Go. Link

You can listen to all the episodes of my podcast You're the Expert on any podcast app. Three comedians interview a scientist about her work and why it matters. Link

Saturday, July 27 at 10:00 p.m. at Union Hall. Dillon Stevenson and Mike Brown host Super Video Bros, where comedians (including me) break down classic music videos. Link

July 29-31 at The Wild Project. I'll be acting on Monday and a short play I wrote is being staged on Wednesday at the Cherry Picking festival for new work. SOLD OUT

You can find ticket links for all upcoming shows as soon as they are announced online at my website here.

This week’s list

John Waters is an iconic filmmaker. He's made hilarious, transgressive, unique work for his entire career. At 70, his imagination is still going full speed. The always great Maris Kreizman interviewed him and I could not agree more with his political views on books in the bathroom. John Waters on Taking LSD at 70, Clarence Thomas, and Reading Bad Reviews

Megan Amram has written for awards shows, critically-acclaimed comedies, and hit network shows like The Good Place and Parks and Rec. But that's not enough for her. She needs more. Specifically, she needs an Emmy. Her hilarious quest to game the Emmy rules and hit the bare minimum requirements for a "digital series" paid off this week in a nomination. Personally, I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that she wins. No one wants it more. An Emmy for Megan

Every once in a while, I read a piece and it gets stuck in my head for weeks. The ideas, the emotions, the writing, I just find it rattling around in my brain at odd moments. Jill Lepore's essay has been like that. It's so beautiful and intimate. "My best friend left her laptop to me in her will. Twenty years later, I turned it on and began my inquest." The Lingering of Loss

Thanks for reading! If you like these emails, please forward to a friend or spread the word. If someone forwarded you this email but you're not yet on the list, you cansubscribe here.

Stay cool,

3 Things: Jimmie Fails, Whoopi Goldberg, and Jessica Francis Kane by Chris Duffy

Happy Saturday! Every week, I send out an email with my show dates and recommendations of things I think you might enjoy. At the moment, I don't have much to report. I'm trying to fight off procrastination and actually get my writing done. (The great part about freelancing is also the terrible part: there's no boss to make sure you're doing your work.) I hope you had a productive week, but also that you're taking some time to lie on the couch or the beach if you need it. 

NOTE TO NEW ORLEANS PEOPLE: Please stay safe and be careful! If you were planning on coming to this Tuesday's Pop-Up Magazine show, I've been told they're keeping track of the weather and will decide whether it's still happening or not after the weekend. 

Upcoming Shows

Both full seasons of Wyatt Cenac's Problem Areas are streaming online and on HBO Go. Link

You can listen to all the episodes of my podcast You're the Expert on any podcast app. Three comedians interview a scientist about her work and why it matters. Link

Tuesday, July 16 at 7:00 p.m. SOLD OUT I'll be performing with Pop-Up Magazine. Please see the note above and be careful out there.

Friday, July 19 at 7:00 p.m. at Littlefield. I'll be performing at Bit Tank, a show where comedians pitch jokes to sharks for real money. Link

Saturday, July 27 at 10:00 p.m. at Union Hall. Dillon Stevenson and Mike Brown host Super Video Bros, where comedians (including me) break down classic music videos. Link

July 29-31 at The Wild Project. I'll be acting on Monday and a short play I wrote is being staged on Wednesday at the Cherry Picking festival for new work. SOLD OUT

You can find ticket links for all upcoming shows as soon as they are announced online at my website here.

This week’s list

The Last Black Man in San Francisco is about Jimmie's dream to reclaim the Victorian house his grandfather built in the heart of the city, but it's also about gentrification, friendship, our attachment to stories and art, and how to find a place where you belong. Jimmie Fails stars as a fictionalized version of himself in a movie he co-wrote with his childhood best friend Joe Talbot. It's the best film I've seen this year. The acting, the cinematography, the story, and the music are all breathtaking. The story behind the making of the film is pretty amazing too. Here's an interview with Fails and Talbot about their city and their movie: Who Gets to Say F--- San Francisco Now?

Nobody has had a showbiz career like Whoopi Goldberg. Broadway solo shows, standup comedy, hosting the Oscars, starring in movies, and co-hosting a daytime talk show. It's incredible. But her fame's almost the least interesting part about her. Did you know she's never eaten an egg, she feels like an alien, and she's significantly more passionate talking about farts than The View? Whoopi Goldberg on Controversy and Conversation

One of my favorite parts of traveling to do comedy is visiting old friends and getting to stay with them. Having a grown-up sleepover is the best way of really catching up with someone, in my opinion. You get to talk but also spend some down time together and I always leave with a new picture of what their daily life and routines look like. It's the best. Jessica Francis Kane wrote a novel about a woman who "rekindles old friendships with some strict rules." Staying at their place rather than a hotel is one of them. And to promote the novel, Kane tried to follow the rules herself. It's a fun piece and good inspiration to schedule a trip to see an old friend. The Visitor (h/t The Ann Friedman Weekly)

Thanks for reading! If you like these emails, please forward to a friend or spread the word. If someone forwarded you this email but you're not yet on the list, you cansubscribe here.

Have a great day,

3 Things: Nick Cave, Gabe Gundacker, and Max Liboiron by Chris Duffy

Happy Saturday!

Every week, I send out an email with my show dates and recommendations of things I think you might enjoy. This week, I spent the Fourth of July in Olympic National Park. While we were there, we hiked to the world's largest Sitka spruce tree. I'm always a fan of world's largest roadside attractions, but unlike a giant fiberglass lobster or a forty-foot tall filing cabinet, this is a living organism that's been growing in that spot for a thousand years. That spruce tree was already more than seven hundred years old when the U.S. declared independence. It kinda puts things in perspective. 

Speaking of perspective, I've been thinking about who we allow to experience freedom in"the land of the free." I'm inspired by the folks volunteering to visit immigrants held in detention and the organizations raising money for bail so poverty doesn't mean imprisonment. As we get deeper into the election cycle, I hope we'll ask for accountability from the politicians allowing this to happen, but I'm reminding myself to do more as an individual too. If you have more ideas for how to do something productive, I'd love to hear them. (I'll also accept tips about oversized objects located near major highways.)

Upcoming Shows

Both full seasons of Wyatt Cenac's Problem Areas are streaming online and on HBO Go. Link

You can listen to all the episodes of my podcast You're the Expert on any podcast app. Three comedians interview a scientist about her work and why it matters. Link

Tuesday, July 16 at 7:00 p.m. at the Civic Theater. I'll be performing at this Pop-Up Magazine show. SOLD OUT

Friday, July 19 at 7:00 p.m. at Littlefield. I'll be performing at Bit Tank, a show where comedians pitch jokes to sharks for real money. Link

Saturday, July 27 at 10:00 p.m. at Union Hall. Dillon Stevenson and Mike Brown host Super Video Bros, where comedians (including me) break down classic music videos. Link

July 29-31 at The Wild Project. Tickets are almost sold out for this year's Cherry Picking festival, which celebrates "new work, creative risk, and prosecco." I'll be performing in a staged reading on Monday and a short play I wrote is performed on Wednesday. Link

You can find ticket links for all upcoming shows as soon as they are announced online at my website here.

This week’s list

Nick Cave has been a rock star since the seventies. His songs have been covered by everyone from Johnny Cash to Metallica. But after years of cultivating theatrical distance from his audience, he's experimenting with bringing them in. When his teenage son died in an accident in 2015, Cave's work and his relationship with his fans kept him alive. So his new tour "features spontaneous exchanges between the artist and his audience" and he's been responding publicly to letters asking him about everything from God's voice to tragedy to writer's block. His responses, The Red Hand Files, are beautiful and fascinating. How is Susie Doing? (h/t Myq Kaplan, who recommends "What made you become a vegetarian?")

Gabe Gundacker first got famous for his Vines and Instagram posts. Now, he writes and performs on Showtime's Our Cartoon President. He's genuinely talented as a musician and also genuinely hilarious. I will never stop loving his Zendaya is Meechee song, but this week I rediscovered Guy Who Likes Music. (h/t Jeff Manian)

"Every time you decide what question to ask or not ask others, what counting style you use, which statistics you use, how you frame things, where you publish them, who you work with, where you get funding from... all of that is political." Max Liboiron is an environmental scientist who's not just trying to change the way we pollute, she's trying to change the way science is conducted. In this short doc for The Atlantic, filmmakers Noah Hutton and Taylor Hess look at The Feminist, Anti-Colonial Scientific Approach to Micro-Plastics.

Thanks for reading! If you like these emails, please forward to a friend or spread the word. If someone forwarded you this email but you're not yet on the list, you cansubscribe here.

Have a great day,