You Get A Spoon is a night of my favorite performers sharing their work and the things they love. Each artist performs a set. Then they enthusiastically endorse a prize that they love and give it away to audience members. Every show, one lucky audience member receives a Tovolo mixing spoon (the greatest spoon in the universe). I guarantee it is the most positive way to spend an evening. You Get A Spoon was a "Pick of the Week" in LA Weekly, featured in Seattle's The Stranger, and called one of the "100 Best Things in Comedy" by The Comedy Bureau. The New York Times said the show was "kind of like if 'Oprah" was on public access television."

Upcoming shows: see Calendar

Buy the spoon for yourself: The ideal way to get the spoon is to win it at a show (I promise you, it feels better that way) but if you insist, you can buy the spoon here:

Watch the video below to see what the show is like