1 Thing I Think Is Great:
In college, I had the good fortune to work with Susanna Vagt. She's an illustrator and an artist who's supremely talented and I love checking in on her website. Susanna creates these beautiful moments, a combination of an illustration and a short bit of text. They're unlike just about anything else I've seen and they tend to stick with me, bouncing around in my head while I go about my day. Here's her most recent (one of my favorites): Shared Time Capsules
1 Thing That Made Me Laugh:
Elna Baker works for This American Life, so you know her storytelling skills are top-notch. She also happens to be a single Mormon woman living in New York City. That's a combination she mines to great effect in her book, The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance.
This book is one of my favorite memoirs I've ever read. It's laugh out loud funny, but it's also fascinating and touching. Elna is the rare person who believes strongly in something bigger than herself but is also willing to talk about her doubts and struggle with that belief. Her book is full of such unique adventures, for example when she got a job facilitating "doll adoptions" at FAO Schwartz. You can hear Elna read that chapter here: Babies Buying Babies
1 Interesting Thing:
"More than 20 years ago, the psychologist Arthur Aron succeeded in making two strangers fall in love in his laboratory. Last summer, I applied his technique in my own life, which is how I found myself standing on a bridge at midnight, staring into a man's eyes for exactly four minutes."
This Modern Love column was so thought-provoking that I'm positive that it's only a matter of hours before every bar in Brooklyn is filled with couples running through Dr. Aron's questionnaire. To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This
Ok, thanks for reading! More details on shows and my full schedule online atwww.chrisduffycomedy.com/calendar/
Have a great weekend,