3 Things: Steve Whalen, Mohanad Elshieky, and Lydia Denworth / by Chris Duffy

Happy Saturday!

One of the best parts of being a comedian, that I think people on the outside don't expect or fully understand, is that you end up becoming friends with a wide array of characters you'd never meet otherwise. At open mics, in the green room of shows, at festivals, you end up spending equal amounts of time with Harvard grads and high school dropouts. With folks who are sober because they hit rock bottom or because they're devoutly religious. Middle-aged parents doing their first gig and college students who are already more famous than you'll ever be. That variety is one of the real joys of being a comedian. More on that below.

Upcoming Events

Sunday, March 15th at 5:30 pm. I'll be at SXSW for a special live taping of You're the Expert. Free and open to the public! Link

Wednesday, March 25th at 7 pm at the Lyric-Hyperion Theatre. Matt Porter and I are hosting another edition of Powerful Points, where comedians give presentations. Link

This week’s list

This Thursday, one of the most unique and prolific comics in NYC, Steve Whalen, passed away unexpectedly. I think it's safe to say I would never have crossed paths with him if not for comedy, but I'm so glad I did. Steve was a big guy in his twenties who called himself Mr. Jokes and told Borscht-belt style one-liners in a style that no one in comedy has been doing for decades. He would sometimes come on stage with a giant prop microphone or an oven-mitt shaped like a lobster claw. He did tricks with the microphone like tossing it under his leg and then shouting "Ok folks!" when he caught it. When I tried to describe him to friends outside comedy, they'd always ask if he was serious or doing a character. The answer was you just had to see him for yourself. He was so much fun. He had fun onstage. He was fun to watch. And it was always a better show with Mr. Jokes around. Rest in Pieces, Steve (because you cracked us up).

Read some tributes to Mr. Jokes along with comics favorite jokes here: from Mary Houlihan, Steve's own compilation of his favorite jokes, Brett Davis' favorite moments of Steve on his public access TV showphotos by Mindy Tucker, and this story by Jo Firestone. Also if you get this in time, watch Sandy Honig's Instagram Story for some very hilarious Mr. Jokes moments.

Mohanad Elshieky is a producer for Full Frontal with Samantha Bee and a great standup comic and storyteller. He's also the reason why Greyhound buses will no longer allow Border Patrol officers to search passengers on their buses without a warrant. Here's how this Libyan-born comedian won an important victory for civil rights: A Comedian Gets Pulled Off A Bus

(Also watch Mohanad's Conan set. It's very good!)

Friends are important. Not just important, but crucial for your survival. Lydia Denworth's latest book dives into the "new field of science revealing that social connections play a vital role in our health." This fascinating NPR interview was sent to me by one of my most supportive and loyal friends, Grant LeBeau. Thank you, Grant, for improving my immune system and overall cardiovascular health. How Our Close Friendships Help Us Thrive

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Stay safe out there,