3 Things: Kiese Laymon, Ron Funches, and Justin Ellis / by Chris Duffy


Hey there,

It feels like progress is being made, but we're not done yet. I'm going to keep it brief up top this week and let the recommendations speak for themselves. But first:

Keep wearing your masks. 
Keep protesting.
Keep taking care of yourselves and your neighbors.
Don't forget to drink water.
Make good choices.

Ok! Let's get into this week's email...

Upcoming Events

- TODAY Saturday, June 13th at 2 p.m. PT / 5 p.m. ET
COME ON DOWN, YOU'RE ALREADY HERE! Today's Zoom game show will be a fundraiser for the National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network. And back on the show today is musical guest and hilarious comedian Tommy MacNamara. You can play a round or just watch and laugh from the comfort of your home. Free, but with donations suggested. Link

- WYATT CENAC'S PROBLEM AREAS: HBO made the whole series free on YouTube (in the US). I wrote for the show and we spent the whole first season looking at solutions to policing in America. Link 

This week’s list

Kiese Laymon is a professor and a writer. He's the author of the incredibly moving memoir Heavy. Andre D. Wagner is a photographer working in NYC, who's able to capture the energy and excitement of everyday life in his work. The two of them paired up for a beautiful piece ruminating on "Black boyhood and the season." City Summer, Country Summer

Ron Funches is weird, hilarious, and delightful. Once, we were performing on the same show at a comedy festival and I saw him end one of his jokes by throwing a handful of loose Skittles into the crowd. Or one of my all-time favorite jokes in the world is Ron talking about interrogating a toaster. Ron has always had a unique ability to shift between absurdity and emotionally vulnerable sincerity. He showed that this week when he went on Conan for a very serious and insightful talk about race and being the parent of an autistic son, and then also sent his assistant to protest for him with a set of absolutely perfect signs. 

Justin Ellis is an incredible writer. He's one of the smartest people out there and he's able to clarify massively complex topics while also giving them an emotional gut punch. He wrote a piece for The Atlantic his week about growing up in Minneapolis and what it means to try and live in America's "most liveable city." I can't do it justice by describing it, so just do yourself a favor and read it. Minneapolis Had This Coming 

(Justin also sends out a great, very occasional newsletter, Midnight Burger Productions, which I strongly recommend.) 

Thanks for reading! if you like these emails, please forward to a friend or spread the word. If someone forwarded you this email but you're not yet on the list, you can subscribe here.

Take care of yourselves,