3 Things: Alix Pentecost Farren, Matt Kirshen, and John B. Goodenough by Chris Duffy

Good morning!

Every week, I send out an email with my show dates and recommendations of things I think you might enjoy. This week, I've been thinking about when I first moved back to NYC several years ago. I was trying hard to make anything happen with my comedy.

One of the first shows that I was excited about was in a basement room at my friend Isabella's Italian restaurant. I booked a lineup of actual professional comedians and I was going to host. But on the night of the show, only two audience members showed up: my mom and dad. It was genuinely more embarrassing than if no one had come at all. One by one, the comics got there and, humiliated, I had to tell them the show was cancelled. When Jo Firestone showed up, I told her, and she was like "Well, let's at least have some pasta." So my parents, Jo, and I all had dinner together in this empty basement. The night went from being a terrible cancelled show to a hilarious meal.

This past Thursday, Jo and I performed together at a sold-out Lincoln Center as part of this Pop-Up Magazine tour. My mom and dad came and we snapped a photo of the four of us. From two audiences members to 2700. The only thing we were missing was the pasta. Maybe next time.

Upcoming Shows

Tonight! Saturday, October 12th at 7:30 pm at the Athenaeum Theatre. It's the final night of Pop-Up Magazine's Escape Issue. SOLD OUT

Monday, October 14th at 8 pm at Littlefield. I'm telling jokes at my favorite standup show in NYC, Butterboy, hosted by Jo Firestone, Aparna Nancherla, and Maeve Higgins. Link

Wednesday, October 23rd at 8:30 pm at the Echo Park Swan Boat House. Squatmelt Comedy Crawl is a walking tour with stops for stand up sets. No tickets. You just show up. Check host Howard Kremer's twitter for details: Link

This week’s list

Alix Pentecost Farren is an illustrator and visual artist. I'm a huge fan of her work. I don't know nearly as much about visual art as I'd like to, so I lack a lot of the vocabulary I'd need to describe why her work is so good. But it's... very good. Me love to look at it. See for yourself: Alix Pentecost Farren (and here's her Instagram)

Matt Kirshen is one of the first comedians that I've met and become friends with in LA. I lucked out because he's also one of the smartest and funniest people around. This standup set is from a few years back, but he absolutely destroys with jokes about his experiences in America as a Brit and the mysterious engineering of planes. Matt Kirshen at Just for Laughs 

Dr. John B. Goodenough became the oldest recipient of the Nobel Prize this week. At 97 years old, he's already revolutionized technology once with his development of lithium-ion batteries. Now he's making progress towards more stable solid-state batteries that could transform the electric car industry. Not only does he have an incredible name (I love learning more examples of nominative determinism) but my friend Tom, who worked at UT-Austin down the hall from him, says he has a great sense of humor and a laugh you could hear across the building. Here's a fascinating interview Dr. Goodenough gave a few years back about his life and work. To Be a Genius, Think Like a 94-Year-Old (h/t Tom Murphy)

Thanks for reading! If you like these emails, please forward to a friend or spread the word. If someone forwarded you this email but you're not yet on the list, you can subscribe here.

Have a great day,

3 Things Cowboy Edition: Tarver & Tart, Jack Handey, and Betsy the Cow by Chris Duffy


Every week, I send out an email with my show dates and recommendations of things I think you might enjoy. This week, for no particular reason, the list is cowboy themed. I looked at the links I was planning to send out and realized "Huh, these are all about the Wild West." I guess that's because I'm an Angeleno now. We do things a little differently around here. [I lasso a cactus and put my arm around it] I hope y'all enjoy it. [Googles "how to remove thousands of cactus spines from arm"]

Upcoming Shows

SOLD OUT Washington, DC: 7:30 pm Monday, October 7th at the Lincoln Theatre w/ Pop-Up Magazine. Ticket link
New York: 7:30 pm Thursday, October 10th at Lincoln Center's David Geffen Hall w/ Pop-Up Magazine. Ticket link
Chicago: Short standup set 10 pm Friday, October 11th at the Laugh Factory. Ticket link
Chicago: 7:30 pm Saturday, October 12th at the Athenaeum Theatre w/ Pop-Up Magazine. Ticket link

This week’s list

Drew Tarver and Carl Tart are two of the funniest improvisers around. If you're a fan of Comedy Bang-Bang, you may know how great they are. But if not, you're in for a treat. Watch this video of them performing a hit song as their country band Memphis Kansas Breeze. I've probably watched this video twenty times this week. Memphis Kansas Breeze

No one is better at writing comedy than Jack Handey. For years, he's been putting together incredibly hilarious, precision cut sentences. The premise of his latest piece is very simple: his most recently read articles. But it immediately takes a turn and I couldn't stop laughing. Recent Articles of Mine by Jack Handey

Betsy is a thousand-pound black-haired Scottish Highland cow who has been living wild and free in Alaska for more than a year. She's been on the local news, gone viral on social media, and been featured in papers across the country. The only thing she hasn't been is caught by the rancher she ran away from. Read the incredible true story in California Sunday Magazine.  She's Missing. I'm Not Going to Quit Her.

Thanks for reading! If you like these emails, please forward to a friend or spread the word. If someone forwarded you this email but you're not yet on the list, you can subscribe here.

See ya around, partner,*

*This is my attempt at the goodbye version of "Howdy" but I am VERY unsure if it works.

3 Things: Clio Chang, Anna Drezen, and Michael Chabon by Chris Duffy

Happy Saturday!

Every week, I send out an email with my show dates and recommendations of things I think you might enjoy. This morning, I'm writing you from Vancouver. After a month in LA, I'm savoring the rain and a chill in the air. I love it here. Everyone seems to be constantly hiking, biking, and recycling. I've always admired the Pacific Northwest's commitment to environmentalism and comfortable footwear. By the time you read this email, I'll be on a rented electric bike heading towards the Pacific. (Fun fact: the guy at the front desk of my hotel who I rented the bikes from specifically made me sign a form saying I would not "intentionally drive my electric bike into the ocean." So I guess that's a thing that has actually happened at least once before.)

Upcoming Shows
Pop-Up Magazine's Escape Issue 
SOLD OUT Oakland: Saturday, September 21st at the Paramount Theatre
SOLD OUT San Diego: Monday, September 23rd at Observatory North Park
SOLD OUT Los Angeles: Thursday, September 26th at the Theatre at the Ace Hotel
Vancouver: Saturday, September 28th at the Vogue Theatre
SOLD OUT Washington, DC: Monday, October 7th at the Lincoln Theatre
New York: Thursday, October 10th at Lincoln Center's David Geffen Hall
Chicago: Saturday, October 12th at the Athenaeum Theatre
Tickets for all shows on sale here

This week’s list

She's written a celebrity profile of a dog. She's covered New York local politics and Bill de Blasio's failed presidential campaign. She's written about the emotional comforts of a plastic Pikachu. Clio Chang is one of my favorite writers, a fantastic journalist with a killer sense of humor. Now that we're fully entering Fall, I loved reading her ode to hot pot and the Japanese reality show Terrace House (which you already know I'm obsessed with). Hot Pot Season Has Begun 

(For more Clio, check out her piece about how unions could save journalism or that celebrity dog)

Anna Drezen is an author, comedian, and podcast host. She's one of the funniest writers at Saturday Night Live and an incredible standup. Every time I watch Anna perform, I'm amazed by how unique her jokes are, while still having sharp punchlines and clear setups. She's a lovely person who is a master of laughs. Do yourself a favor and watch her late night debut. Anna Drezen on The Late Late Show

Michael Chabon's resignation letter from the board of directors of the Macdowell Colony is a reflection on the place of art in our current political moment. What does it mean to make art when the world is burning? I think he answers the question beautifully. What's the Point? (h/t Judy Cohen)

Thanks for reading! If you like these emails, please forward to a friend or spread the word. If someone forwarded you this email but you're not yet on the list, you can subscribe here.

Enjoy the weekend,