3 Things: Nathan Fielder, Zach Galifianakis, and Kirk Wallace Johnson / by Chris Duffy

Happy Saturday! Every week, I send out an email with my upcoming shows, one thing I think is great, one thing that made me laugh, and one thing I found interesting.

Upcoming Shows

Last night was the season finale of Wyatt Cenac's Problem Areas. All ten episodes are up on HBO Go / HBO Now and available for streaming. I've loved getting to write for this show and I hope you watch and enjoy. Link  

Jo Firestone, Zhubin Parang, and Shalewa Sharpe encounter the chambered nautilus on this week's episode of You're the Expert. Dr. Jennifer Basil teaches them all about these mysterious creatures of the deep and how they're helping her understand memory and navigation. Link

TOMORROW! Sunday, June 17 at 7 p.m. at Caveat. I'm hosting You're the Expert with comedians Maeve Higgins, Emmy Blotnick, and Dillon Stevenson! Link

Saturday, June 23 at 4 p.m. at Caveat. I'm hosting You Get A Spoon, my variety show and audience prize giveaway. Link

Tuesday, June 26 at 8 p.m. at The Bell House. Sarah Kay's Wordy Thirty. A night of poetry, music, and performances put together by the incredible Sarah Kay. All proceeds to benefit Hispanic Federations' UNIDOS program for Puerto Rico relief and recovery efforts. Link

My full schedule with all upcoming dates is online here.

This week's list

Nathan Fielder makes me laugh like nobody else. His show, Nathan for You, is consistently genius and painfully funny. If you haven't seen it, Nathan helps real small businesses using his knowledge as a consultant. Even though his ideas are insane, they often work. For example, he once helped a real estate agent differentiate herself by getting her certified as a psychic / exorcist, so she could be the first realtor to guarantee you weren't buying a haunted house. Shows as far out and original as his rarely win Emmys, even though they should. Nathan wants to make sure that the Emmy process is fair though. Which is why he released this video: Nathan Fielder has a step-by-step guide on how you definitely shouldn't hack the Emmys for him

Despite becoming very famous, Zach Galifianakis has not lost his edge. Or he has an amazing team of writers. I'm not sure. Either way, his latest episode of Between Two Ferns is unbelievably good. He just attacks his guest Jerry Seinfeld and then forces him off the show when "a better guest, Cardi B" comes along. It's brutal and so so so funny. Jerry Seinfeld & Cardi B: Between Two Ferns

Kirk Wallace Johnson has an op-ed in the NYT about a leading ornithologist, Dr. Christopher Filiardi, who was attacked by a digital mob for his conservation work. It's a story about how quickly, given a little information and even less context, the internet can unleash its fury on a regular, anonymous person. Johnson unpacks the story carefully, revealing the realities of both modern science and social media, and the whole thing reads like a thriller. The Ornithologist the Internet Called a Murderer

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Have a great day,